setlevel: (e.g. for dual boot) added to menu line grep '(e.g. for dual boot)' setlevel basic "A whole device is selected and used" advanced "Partitions are selected and used (e.g. for dual boot)" 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 3>&- ) dltbl: the line 'release=14.04' removed (testing line that I forgot to remove last time) diff dltbl-nio* 19d18 < release=14.04 starter: 'or at least some partitions' added to warning text diff starter* 76c76 < ver_no=$(apt-cache policy obi-installer | grep Installed: | sed 's/Installed://' | sed 's/ubuntu.*//') --- > ver_no=$(apt-cache policy one-button-installer | grep Installed: | sed 's/Installed://' | sed 's/ubuntu.*//') 95,96c95 < WARNING \Z1be installed. A whole device (drive) or at least some\Zn\n < WARNING \Z1partitions will be formatted and\Zn\n --- > WARNING \Z1be installed, so the device will be formatted and\Zn\n change.log: (maybe apt-cache should be used everywhere for version output) # 2015-01-13 sudodus obi version 2.8