#!/bin/bash resetvid="\0033[0m" logoansi="\0033[38;5;0;48;5;148m" starttxt="$logoansi mkusb-plug - Do USB Stuff $resetvid mkusb-plug needs superuser permissions (sudo) for some tasks, in order to prepare and write to the target, a block device." endtext="$logoansi Press Enter to exit $resetvid" xterm -geometry 50x1 -title "graphic mode" -e sleep 1 2> /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo "***** mkusb-start: Please run a GUI and install xterm and zenity *****" echo "***** or use mkusb-nox or dus (mkusb-dus or guidus) *****" exit fi xterm -title "mkusb-plug console - Do USB Stuff" -fa default -fs 10 \ -bg '#2b2c2b' -fg '#f0f0f0' -sb -rightbar \ -e bash -c "echo -e \"$starttxt\"; mkusb-plug \"$1\"; echo -en \"$endtext\"; read"