[Desktop Entry] Name=zMktbl Name[en_US]=zMktbl Name[en_GB]=zMktbl Name[en]=zMktbl GenericName=Tarball Maker Comment=Make a tarball of your device Icon=/usr/share/icons/zmktbl.png Exec=xterm -geometry 40x3 -fa default -fs 10 -T 'zMktbl - password' -fg black -bg '#b4df02' -e sudo -H xterm -geometry 90x24 -fa default -fs 10 -bg '#ebeceb' -fg black -T 'zMktbl console' -e bash -c 'echo "The zMktbl console displays output from the engine behind the zenity curtain"; zmktbl; read -p "Press Enter to close this zMktbl console window"' Terminal=false Type=Application Categories=System;